Establishing closer relations between the OSCE-PA and the Parliament of Taiwan – Supplementary Item to the OSCE-PA

OSSE-PF Inför OSSE-PF:s sommarmöte den 2-6 juli i Birmingham, har Björn Söder författat ett förslag till en sk Supplementary Item. För att förslaget skall behandlas vid sommarmötet krävs att 20 parlamentariker från 5 olika länder stödjer det. Nu återstår arbete med att få stöd för att förslaget skall behandlas under mötet.


Establishing closer relations between the OSCE-PA and the Parliament of Taiwan

Principal Sponsor: Mr Björn Söder (Sweden)

  1. Recalling that the seminal Final Report of the Helsinki +40 Project – entitled Building the OSCE of the future – argues that, although further geographical enlargement of the OSCE does not seem necessary at present, there is still a need for more dialogue and real involvement of so-called Partners for Co-operation. This, it says, should also include aspects of the daily activities of the OSCE, and comprise the possible addition of new Partner countries.
  2. Recalling that The Astana Commemorative Declaration (2010) states that Heads of State and Government of OSCE participating States reiterate that “security of the OSCE area is inextricably linked to that of adjacent areas, notably in the Mediterranean and in Asia”, and further pledges to enhance the level of interaction with the Mediterranean and Asian Partners for Co-operation.
  3. Recalling that The Vilnius Ministerial Council’s Decisions on Partners for Co-operation and Afghanistan (2011) states that participating States decide “to enhance further the Partnership for Co-operation by broadening dialogue, intensifying political consultations, strengthening practical co-operation and further sharing best practices and experience gained in the development of comprehensive, co-operative and indivisible security, in the three OSCE dimensions”.
  4. Seeing that the report also recommends that the OSCE consider new ways of spreading the vital “Spirit of Helsinki” through the sharing of its heritage, lessons learned and legacy with countries and regions, notably in East Asia. Here the OSCE Network in a recent report (04/19/2021) especially highlights the implications for the entire OSCE area of China’s expanding Belt and Road Initiative.
  5. Emphasizing that security in the OSCE region is inseparably linked to that of its neighbours and can be strengthened though dialogue and the sharing of OSCE norms, commitments and expertise.
  6. Noting that countries like Afghanistan, Algeria, Australia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Morocco, Thailand and Tunisia are enjoying status as partners for Co-operation with the OSCE and with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
  7. Observing in this connection that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly may also, according to the Rules of Procedure adopted in March 2020 (Rule 45), admit as Observers Parliaments of States which are Partners for Co-operation of the OSCE. Indeed, the Rule states that individuals may also be admitted as observers, at the discretion of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s President or its Standing Committee.
  8. Finally, considering that Taiwan is a fully – indeed an exemplary – self-governing democracy which is utterly respectful of human rights and the rule of law, and that Taiwan has recently announced an interest in developing further links with the OSCE and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in conclusion therefore:

  1. States that it would welcome any formal wish addressed by Taiwan to the OSCE Chairmanship to become an OSCE Partner for Co-operation.
  2. Invites the OSCE to grant Taiwan partnership status following the consultation process.
  3. Believes that such partnership could permit fruitful exchanges of views on areas of mutual interest and concern, aside from promoting the spread of the vital “Spirit of Helsinki” and democracy in the wider East Asia region.
  4. States its intention to welcome any future admission of the Parliament of Taiwan as an Observer to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, in line with the Rules of Procedure adopted in March 2020 (Rule 45) following any partnership status granted by the OSCE.

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