Etikett: OSCE

Let election monitoring missions do their job

GEORGIEN Supporting democratic development in the European neighbourhood and around the world is essential if we are to continue the expansion of freedom that has characterized much of the past half-century in Europe. The European Union is committed to this, as is the OSCE, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, and the Council …

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Inre konflikter hotar säkerheten i Europa

OSSE Att en människa, eller för all del en institution, föds under en lycklig stjärna behöver inte betyda att dess livsbana nödvändigtvis blir en dans på rosor. Organisationen för Säkerhet och Samarbete i Europa (OSSE) med sina 57 medlemsstater från USA i väster till Ryssland i öster, bär härvid syn för sägen.

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The Extreme Wahhabi Variety of Islam – A Growing Threat to Our Freedom and Democracy

ISLAM Reports abound in several of the 57 member countries of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) regarding alleged Islamist discrimination against other religious movements – arguing that this is largely due to the rapidly rising number of new Wahhabist schools and mosques sponsored by Saudi Arabia in particular. Notwithstanding the fact …

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